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shadowrocket小火箭安卓下载Volunteer service in unprecedented timesSubscribe to future newsletters here.

A Small Change for a Big Impact While the field of Citizen Science as a whole re-evaluates the use of "citizen," CalNat will lead the way in describing it in a way that includes all people who contribute to science: participatory science.

 Climate change and UC Climate Stewards. There is power within all of us to tackle some of the immediate effects of climate change. The UC Climate Stewards course is a new certification program that will be offered through the UC California Naturalist program that prepares individuals to communicate and engage in local solutions to advance community and ecosystem resilience. Read our Summer 2020 UC Climate Stewards update. 

Meet the Naturalists: Check out our new California Naturalist Story Map. In pictures and words, we seek to share the inspiring stories of California Naturalists from around the state.


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Share your California Naturalist Story! We all came to be a California Naturalist through different avenues and motivations. We all have different life experience, perspective, and talents we bring to the Californian Naturalist community. And yet we all have a keen interest in nature in common. We want to share your unique story.

Download this California Naturalist Handbook flier for 30% off from the publisher, UC Press.